5 Star Plumbing
License #1041772


The fourth of July, America’s most popular and loved holiday. We are all impatiently waiting for it to come. It is a special period when we gather family and friends in our home, prepare delicious meals and play fun games to commemorate the independence of our beautiful nation.

The preparation for this event usually is done a lot in advance and the result of the celebration visible long after the party. And all these usually cost us some money; Grocery shopping for the event, decorating the house and making sure that all home systems are functioning properly before and after the celebration.

Mother and Daughter

Moreover, we prepared a special offer for this wonderful occasion.

10% off on any plumbing job

Call now and use the promo code “JULY4”

And this offer is not a one day offer, you can enjoy this offer till July 31.

We wish you a happy independence day. May you enjoy this day with your family and create new memories that will last generations.